(WWE Champ CM Punk who celebrated passing the 365 day mark in his current title reign this week. Drawn by Jill Thompson who celebrated a birthday this week. Image stolen from iFanboy.)
Here are some things I found interesting in the world of minicomics, comic books, graphic novels, small press, self publishing, zines, webcomics, cartoons, digital comics, other, etc. during the week ending 11252012:
"And I'm not happy about the changes made to the Marquis de Sade story, but I chose to publish THE INVISIBLES through Vertigo because I like the editorial staff, I like being paid for my work and I like reaching a much wider audience than I would if this were a small press or self-published venture. The trade-off against that is that I'm bound by the rules and regulations that govern what is and is not acceptable to be a mainstream comics publisher. I knew that when I went into the deal, and, in the case of INVISIBLES #7, I decided that a little compromise was worth it to get the story out to a mainstream audience. Those of us who have elected to work with big companies as opposed to the small press can only push at the barriers. I don't think we can be expected to represent the cutting edge of comics. Let's face it, even the best of the mainstream "mature" books are simply glorified super-hero comics. That's okay - I'm very fond of super-heroes and I like to see them done with a little wit and intelligence. Having said that, you can now read the word "fuck" in a mainstream comic, and who knows what walls may yet come tumbling down in the future?" -Grant Morrison, 1995.
- This week's Parade-O-Links is going to be on the minimal side. Work, Thanksgiving etc. kept me offline more than normal so I did not gather up a ton of links. But, mostly, it was a "slow news week".
- Well pals, Thanksgiving has come and gone. I hope yours was swell. And with that we are firmly in the holiday shopping season. Black Friday is gone but Cyber Monday is upon us. I strongly recommend that you treat your loved ones to some comics related goodness. (Treat yourself too.) Check out The Comics Reporter's annual shopping guide. I suggest you get in on number 65, Brad McGinty's holiday cards, right now. I got mine in the mail Saturday and they are fantastic. I also recommend Brad's t-shirts. I got the Xenomorph shirt and it is super rad.
- Patrick Dean talks about the Jack Davis exhibit and his own comics with Robot 6.
- Speaking of Dean, he is one of my favorite cartoonists. I'm crazy about the way he draws and the crazy things he chooses to make comics about. He's got some recent sneak peep panels up. Great looking stuff.
- I don't know if you can see this or not without "liking" it or whatever on teh facebook but, this Bob Burden, Kevin Eastman and Dave Sim jam is great.
- So I guess something happened with Spider-Man this week but I wouldn't know anything about that because my local comic shop (video game store) did not have a copy.
- Bleeding Cool made a list of people for people that like to read lists. I never read it. But, this list of least powerful people that Tom Spurgeon made is hilarious. (And sadly, mostly true.)
- I've read a little 2000 AD and Judge Dredd and I like it but I've never had much access to it. And, at this point, I don't want to have access to it because I fear that if I ever do get into it that it won't be as fun and cool as Jog makes it out to be.
- I think I got this link for Terminal Lance from The Comics Reporter. I've frequently wondered if there were any comics being made by active military guys. Well, there are. I also thought this strip about being a military spouse was interesting.
- Ben Towle's Oyster War is at Go Comics.
- Speaking of Towle, check out his Alpha Books wrap up.
- Grant Morrison versus Alan Moore versus Grant Morrison. Or A vs G!
- Speaking of Morrison, our intensive read through of The Invisibles continues.
- NPR read some graphic novels. I'm glad somebody can afford them.
- Warren Peace read a bunch of minis. I actually read several of those myself. I can vouch for Schulz, Baylis and Yost stuff.
- Picasso Popeye cosplay.
- ROM sighting.
- Chris Schweizer at Robot 6.
- The BCGF is burning in hell.
- And finally... I hope we all get well soon.
And that's just a taste of some of the interesting things going out there in the wonderful world of comics and things. I can't keep up with it all but I do keep up with a lot of it on twitter and I try to re-tweet the good stuff. You should probably follow me there. If you did something to make comics better this week then high-five!
Your best pal ever,
Shannon Smith
p.s. Say you want a leader but you can't seem to make up your mind. I think you'd better close it and let me guide you to my twitter feed.
p.p.s. Let's pretend we went to high school together on facebook.
p.p.p.s. Google + is another place you can read the same thing I posted here.
p.p.p.p.s. I'll tumblr for ya.
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