Blogger Widgets

09 December 2008


Comics retailer, convention organizer, karaoke superstar and cartoonist Dustin Harbin has relaunched THE DHARBLOG and plans to add a new comic each week.  His hope is to have a new strip up each Monday morning.  Normally, I would wait until a web comic has several months of strips before I mention it here but if you click on the strip tab on the right side of the blog you will find a nice collection of comics he has created in the past year or so. 
To my knowledge, Dustin has only been making comics for a year or so (or at least he has only been showing them to people for that time).  The comics are so good I want to punch him in the stomach.  It is bad enough that his drawing displays much more talent and skill than I have but the comics are also smart and funny.  This angers me a great deal and makes me feel bad about myself.  I can't think of many cartoonists making stuff that looks this great right out of the gate.  In a short (but respectable) body of work, Dustin has already displayed a wide range of styles and a very full trick bag.  I really look forward to what the ongoing web strip will deliver.  
Dustin is also a very clever and funny blogger with a lot of insight on the comics biz from his years behind the retail counter.  I suggest you bookmark his blog right away.

Your best pal ever,
Shannon Smith

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