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11 December 2008

My favorite minicomics and webcomics of 2008.

(From Anders Loves Maria.)

It's that time of year when bloggy people start trotting out their "best of" lists. As I've said before, I don't think the word "best" has any place in art criticism but I do have favorites so I'll share some of them with you. I always resist the idea of doing this kind of thing before the year is actually over but I'll go ahead and do it now in the hopes that some of you might buy some some of the minicomics I'll mention.

The only form of entertainment I am at all qualified to comment on is minicomics. I've read a lot of minicomics in 2008.

My absolute favorite minicomic of 2008? The one that stands above the rest for me is Josh Latta's Rashy Rabbit #4. Yeah, this may all sound biased because Josh is my pal but it is the comic I read and re-read the most in 2008. I think the drawing, the inking, tones, cover, writing, story, characters, jokes etc. are all just about seamless. I can't think of a more consistent minicomic from cover to cover. You can read my review of it here and you can read the thing yourself here but more importantly you should go buy a copy here. If you can think of a better minicomic from 2008 then by all means, email me and I'll email you back my address and you can send me a free copy of that awesome book.

There were a lot of other great books I have to mention. 2008 delivered a lot of strong anthology books. I think Candy or Medicine is important because of the wide range of creators in each issue but also because Josh Blair is doing just a good job keeping the thing on schedule and getting it into people's hands. Mallard out of the UK is important for similar reasons. The Good Minnesotan books are amazing looking. Vol. 3 is more of a graphic novel format (I'll review it soon) but 1 and 2 are two of the "best" designed minicomics I saw all year. Especially 2. Shitbeams on the Loose is another anthology with brilliant design but it's format is more graphic novel than traditional minicomic. Good content too. All that said, my favorite anthology of the year is Not My Small Diary 14. It is a great looking two volume set but it's the creators that make it my favorite. Alec Longstreth, John Porcellino and many more awesome talents in one package. I think I said in my review that it is probably the best dollar for dollar comics investment you can make. And, you can make that investment here. You won't regret it.

I saw some good sketchbook minis in 2008. I think my favorite might be J. Chris Campbell's 26 Robots. Just a perfect little robot book. Full color. Full of robots. Good fun. Brad McGinty's Bird Doggin' is right up there with it just with less robots and more girls. It's a great little pin up book with some nice color pages. Rob Ullman's latest Atom Bomb Bikini would probably be on the list too but I managed to leave HeroesCon without a copy. From what I saw at the show it is a good looking pin up book.

I was really impressed by work I saw from Ed Moorman and Sarah Olesky in various books and anthologies this year. I really liked Jeremy Massie's The Deadbeat minis and look forward to the graphic novel next year. Jeff Zwirek's Burning Building Comix are great looking and a lot of fun to lay out and assemble like Leggos. (Review coming soon Jeff.)

I also read a pretty good amount of webcomics. American Elf continues to be a favorite even after having read ten years worth of the things. I think it's getting better and better. Maybe it's because Kochalka is going through this fatherhood thing with two kids about he same age as mine but I think it is neat to watch it grow. American Elf has been around so long now that it is easy to take for granted. It is a part of my morning Internet log-on just like checking my email or looking at but still it is a favorite. I'm a big fan of Rene Engstrom's Anders Loves Maria. I dislike that "best" word but it's the "best" ongoing fiction/drama/comedy/romance webcomic that I'm aware of. The drawing is great, the characters are great and the story really moves from page to page. Engstrom covers a lot of narrative and emotional space in a page of comics. Engstrom's scanner apparently died at some point this year but even with the pages being posted via digital camera it still looks good. It's the only ongoing web comic I can think of where I really care about finding out what happens next.
It feels more like a print comic on the web than a true webcomic but I really enjoyed Robert Tinnell and Bo Hampton's Demons of Sherwood at ComicMix. A Robin Hood horror story done in the Toth style? I'm sold. Brad McGinty's Paper Pusher and Dustin Harbin's comics at THE DHARBLOG are new and don't have a lot of pages up yet but seem to be on track to make my 2009 favorites list.

I could go on and on and there is a lot of great stuff I've left out but everything can't be my favorite. I also have a large amount of minicomics I have yet to review at file under other. Those books will be eligible for next year's list (since the eligibility judge is me).

Looking forward to 2009 with no idea what to expect.
Your best pal ever,
Shannon Smith


Massie said...

Rashy made me piss myself with laughter I must agree with you. Oh and thanks for the shout out. I still have your mini comic money from SPX.

Josh Latta said...

Jeez! Way to make my head get big!

Thanks for the mention and thank you too,massie!

Shano said...

My pleasure guys. Thanks for making comics.

I'll try to get wit ya soon Jeremy. Sorry. You can spend it on bubble gum or a slushie if you need to. (Just as long as you don't give it to charity or invest it toward the future. I hate that crap.)

Josh Blair said...

Wow, something I did is important. I need to call my parents and tell them the good news.

Shano said...

There is nothing more important to mankind than making and distributing minicomics.

Well, maybe air, water and food but other than that. Nothing!

Miguel Garza said...

Sarah Oleksyk's work is pretty awesome. FYI, you've been misspelling her name when you mention her--you've got the 'y' and the last 'k' transposed.

Shano said...

Doh. I such at teh spleeling and tipyng.

Carson Reed said...

Loved reading this thankks

Ethan R said...

I love the idea that comics can be such an excellent investment.